Julian Smith MP is encouraging the local community to nominate local businesses for the annual Countryside Alliance Awards, which are now open to public nomination.
The Countryside Alliance Awards, nicknamed the ‘Rural Oscars’, are an annual award to celebrate small business and traditional skills in Britain’s food and farming industry. The Awards run across the following categories: Local Food, Village shop/Post Office, Rural Enterprise, Butcher and Rural Pub. Nominations are open online until Sunday 9 December. To nominate your favourite local business visit: http://www.countrysidealliance.org/campaigns/caawards/nominate/
Julian Smith said: ‘These awards are an excellent way to promote the local businesses who are working hard to keep rural Britain thriving. Our local produce is second to none and there are many community heroes and businesses worthy of national recognition. Last year I was delighted to see the success of The Courtyard Dairy in the Local Food category and would love to see more businesses from across Skipton and Ripon being recognised.’