Julian has welcomed the news that Humber and North Yorkshire ICS will receive £537,344 this month, as its first tranche of funding, to support innovation and scaling in adult social care.
Across the country, £20 million is being allocated this year and over £22 million next year to help further develop adult social care services, with local authorities working in partnership with the NHS, care providers, voluntary and community groups. The funding will help increase community-based care models such as shared-living arrangements and access to digital tools.
Humber and North Yorkshire ICS will use the funding to explore options the available to increase the provision of Shared Lives; support unpaid carers to have breaks which are tailored to meet their needs; and better identify carers in local areas, whilst encouraging people to recognise themselves as carers which will improve access to carer services.
Julian Smith said, “It’s so important that we ensure everyone can access the help they need and that those helping others are in turn given the necessary support.
“This fund will boost that support and make a real difference to the lives of those giving and receiving care.”