The Department of Health and Social Care has awarded £55 million to eleven new Health Determinants Research Collaborations (HDRCs), including one with North Yorkshire Council, to research and tackle health inequalities and improve health outcomes in local areas.
It will help North Yorkshire Council to use evidence to inform their decision making by undertaking research and evaluation explicitly responding to the needs of local underserved groups and areas.
The HDRC, which went ‘live’ on 1st January, is part of the government’s commitment to boost growth, level up the health of the nation and empower people to live healthier and longer lives, regardless of their background or where they live.
It will bring together local government knowledge with research skills from the academic community, improving the evidence base on which policy decisions in important areas that impact on health and health inequalities are made.
Julian Smith said, “Everyone deserves access to high quality health services, regardless of where you live.
“Given the particular challenges of servicing rural areas like ours, I’m really pleased to see this funding come through for the Council.
“I look forward to seeing it used to good effect over the coming years.”