Julian Smith MP will be hosting two EU Referendum Events in the run up to the referendum on 23 June which are open to all constituents of Skipton and Ripon.
The first event will be taking place on Thursday 26 May at the Ripon Spa Hotel at 7.00pm and the second will be hosted at Craven College’s Aireville Campus on Friday 3 June at 7.00pm.
The events will see a range of high profile, national speakers, from Academics to experienced campaigners and politicians, make the case both for remaining in and leaving the EU.
As part of this series of events, Julian Smith has written to every secondary school across the constituency inviting Upper Sixth pupils who are eligible to vote in the referendum to take part in the Ripon event. Immediately prior to the main debate, the audience will hear from students who will argue their position on the EU.
If students are interested in speaking in the debate, they can apply by emailing [email protected] with a brief 250 word outline of their views on the EU along with their contact details. The deadline is Friday 6 May.
Julian Smith MP is also encouraging Sixth Form pupils who are eligible to vote in the referendum to come along and watch the debates in Ripon and Skipton.
Any constituents wishing to attend can find details on how to apply for tickets at www.juliansmith.org.uk or https://areeureadyskipton.eventbrite.co.uk and https://areeureadyripon.eventbrite.co.uk.
The list of speakers will be announced in due course.
Julian Smith commented: ‘These events will be a great way for constituents to engage with experts from all sides of the debate. Whether they have already made up their mind on how they will be voting or are looking for some solid facts to help their decision, I hope that our panel of experts will provide some excellent arguments for the audience to consider.
I am encouraging students from across Skipton and Ripon who are eligible to vote in the referendum to come along to the debates and take part in what will be an historic decision for our country. Youth engagement in politics is so important and I hope that through giving students a voice and chance to present their views, we will see a high turnout on 23 June.’