Julian has attended a British Heart Foundation event aimed at supporting the protection of life-saving research.
The MP joined heart patient Emily Sullivan, aged 8, for a science lesson which focused on the importance of funding for medical research. She had three open heart surgery operations after being born with three large holes in her heart.
Medical research charities, like the British Heart Foundation, rely on investment from government to pay for the indirect costs of research, such as lighting, electricity and heating for laboratories.
Currently, the science budget is ring-fenced and the Government pays 26p for indirect costs for every £1 spent by charities directly on medical research.
Julian said:
“Charities are an essential part of the UK medical research environment and I am proud that the Government has protected the science budget supporting their vital research.
“If we are to prevent and treat devastating conditions like cardiovascular disease, we need continued investment in pioneering research and, for as long as I am in Parliament, that is something I will fight for.”